
Allows for claiming oLIT from RewardPools, exercise it and lock LIT received.

Exercise an amount of oLIT tokens to LIT and convert them to WETH-LIT Bpt and lock them, the liqLIT minted can either be sent back to the user or be staked into the liqLIT reward pool.

function exerciseAndLock(
        uint256 _amount,
        bool _stake,
        uint256 _minExchangeRate
    ) external returns (uint256 claimed)

_minExchangeRate is the minimal accepted oLIT to BAL-20WETH-80LIT exchange rate

Claim oLIT from different reward pools, can also claim from convert them into LIT and send them back to the user

NOTE: will claim ALL rewards available from the pools.

function claimAndExercise(
        uint256[] memory _pids,
        bool _locker,
        bool _liqLocker,
        uint256 _minExchangeRate
    ) external returns (uint256 claimed)

_pids Booster pools ids array to claim rewards from

_locker Boolean that indicates if the user is staking in liqLIT reward pool

_liqLockerBoolean that indicates if the user is locking Liq in LiqLocker, if true will claim reward there too.

_minExchangeRate The minimal accepted oLIT to BAL-20WETH-80LIT exchange rate

Claim oLIT from the reward pools and possibly form LIQ locker contract, convert into liqLIT and optionally _stake them into liqLIT reward pool

NOTE: will claim ALL rewards available from the pools.

function claimAndLock(
        uint256[] memory _pids,
        bool _locker,
        bool _liqLocker,
        bool _stake,
        uint256 _minExchangeRate
    ) external returns (uint256 claimed)

_minExchangeRate The minimal accepted oLIT to BAL-20WETH-80LIT exchange rate

Withdraw BunniLP Tokens, claim oLIT and convert to liqLIT, optionally _stake them into liqLIT reward pool or send them back to the user

NOTE: will claim ALL rewards available from the pools.

function withdrawAndLock(
        uint256[] memory _pids,
        uint256[] memory _amounts,
        bool _locker,
        bool _liqLocker,
        bool _stake,
        uint256 _minExchangeRate
    ) external returns (uint256 claimed)

_amounts amount of deposit token to withdraw from the corresponding reward pool, will be unwrapped and user will receive Bunni LP Tokens.

_minExchangeRate is the minimal accepted oLIT to BAL-20WETH-80LIT exchange rate

Last updated