Allows for claiming oLIT from RewardPools, exercise it and lock LIT received.
Exercise an amount of oLIT tokens to LIT and convert them to WETH-LIT Bpt and lock them, the liqLIT minted can either be sent back to the user or be staked into the liqLIT reward pool.
is the minimal accepted oLIT to BAL-20WETH-80LIT exchange rate
Claim oLIT from different reward pools, can also claim from convert them into LIT and send them back to the user
NOTE: will claim ALL rewards available from the pools.
Booster pools ids array to claim rewards from
Boolean that indicates if the user is staking in liqLIT reward pool
Boolean that indicates if the user is locking Liq in LiqLocker, if true will claim reward there too.
The minimal accepted oLIT to BAL-20WETH-80LIT exchange rate
Claim oLIT from the reward pools and possibly form LIQ locker contract, convert into liqLIT and optionally _stake
them into liqLIT reward pool
NOTE: will claim ALL rewards available from the pools.
The minimal accepted oLIT to BAL-20WETH-80LIT exchange rate
Withdraw BunniLP Tokens, claim oLIT and convert to liqLIT, optionally _stake
them into liqLIT reward pool or send them back to the user
NOTE: will claim ALL rewards available from the pools.
amount of deposit token to withdraw from the corresponding reward pool, will be unwrapped and user will receive Bunni LP Tokens.
is the minimal accepted oLIT to BAL-20WETH-80LIT exchange rate
Last updated