
Implements a pooled exercise model where oLIT are queued and exercised in two steps. Users can queue oLIT, then withdraw them once someone has exercised them by swapping oLIT/LIT for a fee

Claim oLIT reward from the rewards pools and optionally from liqLIT reward pools and liqLocker contract, then queue them.

NOTE: will claim ALL rewards available

function claimAndQueue(
        uint256[] memory _pids,
        bool _locker,
        bool _liqLocker
    ) external returns (uint256 amount)

Queue oLIT for execution

function queue(uint256 amount) external

Unqueue oLIT from execution

function unqueue(uint256 amount) external

Withdraw Bunni LpTokens and claim oLIT rewards from pools and optionally from liqLit reward pool and liqLocker contract

NOTE: will claim ALL rewards available

function withdrawAndQueue(
        uint256[] memory _pids,
        uint256[] memory _amounts,
        bool _locker,
        bool _liqLocker
    ) external returns (uint256 amount)

_amounts amount of deposit token (Liquis LP tokens) to withdraw from the corresponding reward pool, will be unwrapped and user will receive Bunni LP Tokens.

The caller exercise queued oLIT options by exchanging them for LIT, gets an incentive (better exchange rate) for doing so.

function exercise() external

Allows to withdraw LIT from the specified _epoch, converting them into liqLIT and optionally _stake them into liqLIT reward pool

function withdrawAndLock(
        uint256 _epoch,
        bool _stake,
        uint256 _minOut
    ) external returns (uint256 withdrawn_)

Withdraw LIT, caller specifies which _epoch for LIT withdrawl

function withdraw(uint256 _epoch) external returns (uint256 withdrawn_)

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