liqLIT Rewards
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liqLIT APR is made up of oLIT, LIQ, WETH and BAL rewards.
This is because they not only receive standard oLIT and LIQ emissions as the other Bunni LPs: liqLIT is a tokenized veLIT which is locked BAL-20WETH-80LIT.
This pool receives BAL emissions from the balancer gauge and on top of it it also receives WETH which is rewarded by Bunni to their veLIT holders.
This section will cover BAL and WETH APR calculations, please check also
oLIT Rewards and LIQ Rewards sections.
NOTE: Liquis charges a top 25% fee which comes from the total oLIT rewards from all the pools. Part of this reward is given to liqLIT stakers and is added on top of the oLIT Rewards. See fees breakdown in oLITRewards page
BAL Rewards
To get the BAL rewards vAPR we need to get the BAL USD Price
but also the rewardRate
from the corresponding Virtual Balance Reward Pool:
From this pool we can access both the rewardRate
First of all we need the annual BAL Reward in USD terms
Annual BAL Reward in USD
Then we can get the APR using the tvlUSD
in the liqLIT pool in USD
WETH Rewards
The same logic applies for the WETH rewards
From the WETH Virtual Balance Reward Pool we get the required rewardRate
Annual WETH Reward in USD
Same as for BAL, we get the APR using the tvlUSD
in the liqLIT pool in USD